Пълен пакет от персонализирани услуги в областта на човешките ресурси за физически лица, фирми и организации в България и Европа.
Непрекъснато актуализираме програмите си и разработваме нови обучителни модули, за да Ви предложим качество от най-високо ниво.
До теб сме във всяка твоя крачка по пътя към успеха
Курсове за обучение
Опитни преподаватели, учители и експерти ще Ви напътстват стъпка по стъпка.
Професионално развитие
Качествено обучение, разработено специално за нуждите и целите на професионалното развитие на служителите и организациите.
Бизнес консултиране
Иновативни и модерни решения за оптимизиране и развитие на Вашата компания.
Индивидуален коучинг
Мая Данова
Витлена Василева
Експерт индивидуални и бизнес консултации
Николай Николов
Експерт професионални обучения
Мартина Венова
Експерт обучения
Светла Тагарева
Експерт обучения
Our professional cooperation with Nikanor was extremely fruitful and at a very high level. We received qualified trainers, very competent in the field of tailoring production and most of all they introduced us to the new technologies of the tailoring industry. Our employees were very well trained and practically prepared . The trainers at Nikanor were extremely friendly, prepared and treated each of our employees with patience and understanding. We thank them sincerely and would seek them out again for future collaborations!
Miroslava Nencheva
Working closely with Nikanor, Maya, Vitlena, and Nikolai on our projects felt like being part of a close-knit family. Their warmth, combined with their exceptional skills, made every challenge a shared adventure. Their personalized guidance and support have left a profound impact on my professional path and personal growth.
Sofia Mastrokoukou
For many years I have been collaborating with Nikanor in some European projects and they have always demonstrated its professionalism and bring inspirational way to performance the best work.
Marta Munoz
We have been working with Nikanor Ltd. within different projects for many years and know them as a team with a great entrepreneurship spirit that strives to move the business forward. We could recommend Nikanor Ltd. as a partner experienced in national and international projects that can make complex decisions and guide an international consortium.
Olena Bilozerova
Kilcooley Women’s Centre, based in Bangor, Northern Ireland, UK are delighted to provide a testimonial for the enriching experience of working with the team at Nikanor. The collaboration between the organisations, across a number of European programmes has been transformative for our organisation, providing an invaluable platform for sharing good practices, transferring innovation, and fostering European cooperation in the realm of adult and vocational education.
The synergy achieved through our partnership has been instrumental in the exchange of skills and knowledge, creating a dynamic environment that transcends geographical boundaries. Together, we embarked on the journey of developing toolkit solutions to common problems faced in adult and vocational learning, leveraging collective expertise and diverse perspectives to address challenges effectively.
The commitment of the team at Nikanor to excellence in Lifelong Learning and the seamless integration of innovative practices has been inspiring. The collaborative efforts have not only elevated our respective organizations but have also contributed to a broader impact on adult and vocational education across borders. This experience has underscored the immense value of European cooperation in shaping the future of adult and vocational learning, and we value for the opportunities and insights gained through this innovative organisation.
Alison Blayney
Gifted Ireland, based in Dublin, has worked in collaboration with Nikanor for many years, building partnerships and projects to develop common training solutions. Their ability to engage across a wide range of training areas, sharing good practices and fostering a collaborative spirit for the transfer of innovation and skills across the EU has significantly enriched the projects we have engaged on.
This collaboration been instrumental in broadening our organisational perspectives and deepening our understanding of adult learning methodologies and provided a wide range of training opportunities for staff, volunteers and learners.
Nikanor’s expertise, professionalism, and passion for training and education have elevated the quality of our joint projects with the meaningful partnerships we have nurtured have enhanced the impact of our learning outcomes and also created a vibrant network of practitioners committed to advancing adult learning practices.
We wholeheartedly recommend Nikanor to any institution seeking a collaborative partner dedicated to the principles of sharing, innovation, and the development of practical solutions to address the common challenges within the education sector.
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Name Goes Here
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услуги на индивидуално и корпоративно ниво