Start of the project “Work force with undiscovered potential: Activating, Motivating and Inclusion of disadvantaged people to the current labor, social and cultural environment in the territory of the municipalities of Momchilgrad and Djebel”

The events of recent years, in social, economic and health aspects, have reminded us more than once that the strength of a country is in its society- when it is united, it becomes the driving wheel of any progress. But progress must be accompanied by knowledge and skills- therein lies the distinctive feature of every individual- in the way he learns, in the way he works.

Regrettably, in Bulgaria, the living standards of the majority of the population are relatively low, in terms of the level of education, the lack of work habits and the lack of motivation for realisation. “Nikanor” Ltd. has a solid experience in providing qualification and educational trainings and activities that support the integration of unemployed people into the labor market and an example of this is the newly established project “Active – Workforce with Undiscovered Potential: Activating, Motivating and Inclusion of Disadvantaged People to the Current Labour, Social and Cultural Environment in the Municipalities of Momchilgrad and Djebel”, under Programme “Human Resources Development” 2021-2027, BG05SFPR002-2. 005 – “Active Inclusion and Access to Employment of Disadvantaged People”.

The project covers five social groups, on the territory of Momchilgrad and Djebel municipalities, namely Young people who are outside the employment, education or training systems; Young women not receiving support for raising children; Unemployed people over 50 years old; Unemployed people with primary or lower education and without professional qualifications, and also potential future employers.

The project, which will be implemented in the period 01.04.2024 – 01.04.2026, aims, on one side, to activate and motivate citizens in vulnerable socio-economic situation, on the territory of Momchilgrad and Djebel municipalities, to improve their personal skills and qualities and thus improve their opportunities for realization on the labor market, and on the other side – to support local employers by providing them with qualified workforce.

“Nikanor” Ltd. will provide to the target group individual and group counseling, vocational guidance, motivational training and vocational training in the profession “Tailor”, specialty “Tailoring” 1st SPK, as well as training for improvement of personal and social competencies and key competence “learning skills”.

Within the project, a number of social events will be held and support resources will be created to not only provide an entry to the labour market for the identified disadvantaged, but also to ensure that they will continue their active participation after the end of the project.

In Bulgaria we cannot yet talk about equal opportunities for access to education, training and work, but we believe that the project will achieve a wide impact and raise the socio-economic standard of living of disadvantaged people and improve the quality of life in the municipalities of Momchilgrad and Djebel, and will also be a good practice-example for other underdeveloped regions in the country.

Stay tuned for interesting news from the project activities soon!



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