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JustHer! Online Course [COMING SOON]

JustHer! Lesson Plans [COMING SOON]

The design course ‘The Art of Green Districts‘
The Course is aimed at teaching engineering students from secondary vocational school how to design Green Districts of Future maintaining all engineering, scientific, technical and environmental standards. The course includes teaching materials, complimentary lesson plans, tips and activities.

MECO Platform
An “e-learning Platform” to serve as an open education digital platform for the provision of the training material developed throughout the project.

Training Programme
This training Programme goes along with a Trainer’s Handbook, addressed to adults (travelers and workers of the tourism sector) and educators (teachers, trainers involved in the tourism sector) who would like to improve their (and their learners’) knowledge on sustainable experiences and, particularly, on more informed sustainable travel.

Interdisciplinary Training Programme
This training provides adult learners with the opportunity to enrich their knowledge and skills on how to develop and scale up their digital entrepreneurship endeavours. It is made of five modules: Financial Literacy and business planning; Management; Marketing; Digital Security; Mobile Applications.

Training Programme
These 6 modules do not need to be completed in any order – the learner can access what is most relevant for their work. At the end of each module, some ‘Check your knowledge!’ questions test your learning about trauma awareness and your preparedness for responses to any traumatic event.

Course for Educators
You will be equipped with innovative educational, teaching and training strategies, methodologies and materials to use when working with older adults. In particular, you will learn how to develop teaching materials related to culture and heritage and adapt them to the needs of older learners.

Course for Migrant Women
Training for migrant women, designed to be particularly beneficial to those who have a lower level of education or income, are socially isolated or in vulnerable circumstances.

Course for Organisations working with Migrant Women
Training for organisations already working with migrant women, and organisations wanting to start working with them for the first time.

Start Your Own Business
In this interactive course you will find out whether you are ready to get started in the entrepreneurship world and will learn how to transform your ideas into real business from scratch; all through interactive and motivational modules and exercises.

Motivational Courses
If motivation has always been a handicap in your learners learning processes, learn how to introduce motivational mechanisms such as Open Badges. Your students will not only feel encouraged to keep the hard work but they will also feel more engaged in their life-long learning process and upgrade their entrepreneurial, language and digital skills.

Fake news for dummies
It targets specifically adult learners and educators and seeks to improve their digital skills by providing them with tools to identify fake news and fight the spread of disinformation.

Train the trainer: how to blend your educational programmes
Take the opportunity that will empower you to innovate your ways of teaching by embedding new digital practice and blending your delivery methods and learning resources.

Eco-Design Web Development
The objective of this e-learning module is to promote eco-design of digital services by taking into account the perspective of a low-tech internet.

Digital Accessibility
The objective of this module is to give participants the keys to write and/or implement a specification for a digital project that combines eco-design and accessibility.

Inclusive project management
This module is dedicated to project management itself through three key axes: its tools, its methods and the inclusion of people with special needs.

Training Courses
The e-heritage project supports all those cultural workers who are struggling to adapt to a new virtual and digital paradigm and all those educators in charge of training them to do so.

Learning Material
A modular programme for beginners and professionals in tourism – 6 modules for beginners and 2 – for professionals (in English with translation in the project languages).

Interactive ToT Handbook for Using Arts to Boost Creativity and Innovativeness
Improve competences and knowledge of adult trainers, educators, human resources professionals, entrepreneurs and adult learners in general how to use arts to provoke creativity and innovativeness

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quality training courses, professional
development, business consulting and coaching
services on individual and company level