Dear all,
We inform you that the PEPA’s project “Peer Empowerment Programme For Achievement of Migrant Women” has finished on the 31th of October 2022.
We held during this project 5 Transnational Project Meeting and 5 Multiplier events in the respective countries of the partners. ️️
The results of the project:
➡️ A best practice guide for practitionners
➡️ A peer support guide
➡️ The learning materials
We are thankful for the collaboration of partners on the project’ implementation and the meaningful work done toward the local communities of migrants women: @Irisfoundation@Institutulbucovina @Domspain @Strefainspiracji @Openeuropereus @GowomanallianceCIC @Nikanor
To have a look on the materials developped, check the PEPA’s FB page and the website to get more insights: ♀️
#erasmusplus #PEPA #partners #end of the project #results #refugees