Today Nikanor team took part in an online meeting under the PEPA’s project to discuss with others partners next steps of the implementation of the intellectual outputs, the dissemination and quality. We will start with the focus group with migrant women in March, so stay turned!

PEPA’s project is a Peer Empowerment Programme for Achievement of Migrant Women. The goal of PEPA project is to develop a best practice guide, to be used by practitioners supporting migrant women, a peer support guides, to be used by migrant women themselves and a collection of learning materials hosted on a digital e-platform.
If you want to know more about the project co-funded by Eramus+ programme, get a look to the website:

Through this project, migrant women can be trained and become a volunteer to support the womens of their community to ge involved in social activity and empower them for employment outcomes.
All types of migrant women are concerned but also those in face with a low level of education or income, isolated or vulnerable.
Training will be provided for migrant women, organisations already working with them, and organisations wanting to start working with migrant women for the first time.
Get in touch with us to follow the next steps of this project.