The time has come to introduce you one of our partners in the Erasmus+ project NEED-NEWS LITERACY ON BOARD- UPI
UPI – ljudska univerza Žalec (UPI Žalec) is a public, non-profit institution for the education and training of adults in the Savinja Valley (Slovenia). Established in 1975, UPI Žalec provides numerous formal and non-formal education programs as well as guidance and counselling services in adult education. Apart from providing education programs for the general adult public, the organisation puts special emphasis on vulnerable groups of learners such as the unemployed, low-qualified women, migrants, and low-qualified adults in general. The organization closely co-operates with organizations and institutions at the local, regional, and national level (municipalities, employment agencies, universities of third age, libraries, other education centres, local primary schools, local development agency, Slovenian Institute of Adult Education, Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language, NGOs). UPI is a member of the Slovenian Association of Education and Counselling Centres for Adults and the European Network for Digital Education (DLEARN).
We share numerous things in common with our colleagues from UPI Žalec: common projects (Open Your Eyes – Fake News for Dummies (, countless shared moments and personal memories, but most importantly, we share the conviction and belief that a better and more equitable society can be built by educated and critically thinking people.
The first steps, on the new collaborative path, have been taken! Stay tuned for interesting news about the other partners in the project.
#projectneed #erasmusplus #upizalec